A lot of times you have heard from someone, I will love you forever, forever we will be friends. But how many times it really been? Sometimes I think, what would happen if.... There are many ways, reactions, and actions. But what is actually right and the only important and essential? Have you ever wondered? At least once in your life? I am. And believe me, I felt much better after I reviewed some things, left a few people, and most importantly, a continued life with a smile. Sometimes the one generally leads to thinking the right way. Try, you can not lose anything. You will learn to lose, will you accept defeat much easier, you'll know the next time you'll be the best! And that's what keeps you on top. You will lose with a smile, not with tears. It will all be worth, all the effort, because you tried. And remember, never give up on what you want. Because everything happens only once. Smile, because life is one, worthy and without replay. You'll make it, I know you will. I believe in you. Enjoy it while you're young, because youth is one.
- Вика Волкова